National DEI Defense Fund

Establishing the National DEI Defense Fund is one of many ways the USC Race and Equity Center is countering politicized efforts to ban books, eliminate diversity and inclusion educational programs, and suppress the teaching of truths about America’s racial past and present. We’re committed to using evidence to protect the rights of students and families from misinformation, and to ensure that educators are able to responsibly prepare equity-minded citizens.

Politicized attacks on diversity, equity, and inclusion pose serious threats to democracy. Please join us in protecting the rights of students, parents, and educators by making a tax-deductible gift today.

Your Contribution Will Help


Purchase and mail free
DEI-focused books
to students who attend schools in states and districts that have enacted book bans.


Offer financial support to high-quality DEI-focused educational programs and initiatives that have been disadvantaged by politicized, ill-informed budget cuts.


Provide legal support to educators who are fired or sued for teaching the truth about America’s racial past and present.


Raise national consciousness about threats to democracy and support the formation of DEI defense coalitions across the country.


Support afterschool programs that teach students DEI-focused content that has been banned in public educational institutions.


Deliver free, high-quality professional development experiences to educators in states and districts that have prohibited spending public funds on
DEI-focused workshops.


Fund research that explores what is (and isn’t) being taught in schools, as well as studies on the impact of anti-DEI policies on students, educators, families, and democracy.


Deploy trusted experts who can testify in anti-DEI legislative hearings and provide evidence-informed guidance to K-12 and higher education leaders, school board members, and elected officials.

Featured Resources


Map: Where Critical Race Theory Is Under Attack

Since June 2021, Education Week has updated its interactive map of states where Critical Race Theory and teaching about race and other DEI topics have been banned.

John Pascarella and Erica Silva Headshot

How Can K-12 Leaders Advance Racial Equity in the Face of Book Bans and Censorship Measures?

Our center published a brief co-authored by Drs. John Pascarella and Erica Silva that offers practically-useful guidance on ways to respond to book bans and censorship in schools.


Why Politicized Attacks On DEI In Schools Are Occurring, And How They’re Bad For America

USC Professor Shaun Harper, our center’s founder and executive director, published a Forbes article explaining why politicized attacks on DEI are occurring and how they are bad for America.

News Stories and Reports