Our work empowers K-12 organizations to develop racial literacy through high-quality, dynamic and meaningful professional learning opportunities. We design and collaborate with nationally recognized racial equity experts with the goal of helping school districts improve their practice and meet the needs of their diverse student populations. Through our curriculum, expert instructors, and ongoing coaching support, districts can begin to enact change in K-12 education.

Racial Equity Academy


Our in-person or virtual professional learning series helps K-12 educators and leaders more effectively lead on racial equity. Academy participants are introduced to content and strategies they have likely never learned anywhere else in their educational or professional upbringings. Over a co-determined time period, we offer virtual or in-person sessions on the USC campus in Los Angeles. Each session is highly engaging and focuses on a specific racial equity topic.

Academy instructors are nationally-known experts who consult with numerous K-12 schools and districts. Their sessions focus mostly on strategies and practical approaches. Instructors use contemporary cases of racial problems in K-12 schools. Emphasis is placed on learning from equity gains and racial missteps that have recently occurred elsewhere; learning how to get ahead of situations and reducing the risk of crisis; and learning actionable racial equity leadership strategies. Participants also receive numerous tools and resources.


Our Racial Equity Academy series include a wide range of racial equity topics strategically designed to:

  • Provide support and tools for K-12 leaders to lead racial equity initiatives in their organizations
  • Empower K-12 educators to implement equity-focused practices in their classrooms
  • Enhance educator understanding and knowledge of racial equity and how it applies specifically to K-12 school systems

Customized Professional Learning Experiences

We customize high-quality, practically useful professional learning experiences for K-12 schools, districts, and charter networks across the U.S.



We can deliver these virtually or travel to facilitate them in person.


Sessions can vary in duration – we offer 60- and 90-minute, half-day, full-day, and multi-day options.

Topics/Focal Areas

Superintendents, principals, and other senior-level leaders can choose a topic from the list of sessions we offer in our K-12 Racial Equity Leadership Academies (see above). We can also develop equity-focused sessions on topics beyond those taught in our Academies.


Center experts and nationally renowned racial equity scholars design and deliver these highly engaging professional learning sessions.

Strategic Racial Equity Projects

With the support of center experts, strategic racial equity project teams are organized to address a racial inequity problem or opportunity in their school community. Participants are given a research-informed project framework to design and implement their racial equity project. Center experts give feedback on each component of the project’s design. Beyond the Academy series, we systematically track and assess the progress of each project. Assessment and support from the Center continues in the year that follows the Academy series.

Practice Briefs for K-12 Educators

USC Race and Equity Center’s Practice Briefs for K-12 Educators aim to engage every K-12 teacher, school leader, parent/caregiver, and teacher educator committed to advancing racial equity in their schools and programs across the nation. Each practice brief is available to download at no cost and introduces current research, practical examples, reflective questions, and useful strategies for educators advancing racial equity.

All practice briefs offer expert guidance and discussion questions are offered to educators who are serious about achieving equitable learning conditions and outcomes for students, families, and teachers of color, despite increasing public scrutiny, executive gag orders, and legislative censorship.

Equity Book Talk Series

USC Race and Equity Center’s Equity Book Talk Series invites nationally renowned scholars, experts, and authors to discuss their books with host and moderator, Dr. John Pascarella. For more than a decade, the Center has aimed to dismantle racism, white supremacy, and anti-blackness in all their forms. For the last four years, educators have faced greater public scrutiny, book bans, and pervasive censorship of their curriculum choices and classroom discussions than the previous four decades.

This series is offered to educators and individuals across the country seeking to advance racial equity in their schools, colleges, companies, and organizations, despite widespread censorship efforts.

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