USC Race and Equity Center’s Equity Book Talk Series invites nationally renowned scholars, experts, and authors to discuss their books with host and moderator, Dr. John Pascarella. For more than a decade, the Center has aimed to dismantle racism, white supremacy, and anti-blackness in all their forms. For the last four years, educators have faced greater public scrutiny, book bans, and pervasive censorship of their curriculum choices and classroom discussions than the previous four decades.

This series is offered to educators and individuals across the country seeking to advance racial equity in their schools, colleges, companies, and organizations, despite widespread censorship efforts.

Season 2: Fall 2024

Book Talk Series Photo of Authors
Event Graphic for T is for Thriving

Episode 1: T* Is for Thriving

Season 1: Spring 2024

Episode 1: The Identity Conscious Educator

with Dr. Liza Talusan

Episode 2: Our Problem, Our Path

With Dr. Ali Michael

Episode 3: The Hip-Hop Mindset

with Dr. Toby Jenkins

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