The Faculty and Staff Hiring Institute for campus team is a learning experience including 4-6 modules with weekly 3-hour sessions focused on embedding racial equity in the faculty hiring process.

We also have a series of 4, 2-hour modules for individuals from any campus.


The Faculty and Staff Hiring Institute is designed for Deans, Department Chairs, HR staff, and other hiring committee members to:

  • Recognize and interpret hiring data to understand the state of racial equity in employment and hiring on campus and understand the imperative for diverse and equity-minded employees;
  • Lead race-conscious and equity-minded discussions around how hiring committees define merit and fit, and how those definitions can lead to equitable or inequitable outcomes in hiring by race and ethnicity;
  • Use inquiry protocols to examine institutional artifacts of practice (like job announcements, interview questions, screening criteria, and rubrics) and how they act to support or undermine racial equity in the hiring process.
  • Use inquiry findings to inform changes in hiring artifacts and practices that will bring about racial equity in hiring.


1 | Foundations of Racial Equity in Higher Education

This module introduces foundational concepts and terms about race and racial equity in higher education. We will set ground rules and community standards to lay the foundation for the rest of the Institute. Participants will engage in identity exploration, mapping identity and power, and critical self-reflection.

2 | The State of Racial Equity in Hiring on Campus: Definitions and Data

This module will define racial equity in the context of hiring and focus on discussing and interpreting institutional employment and hiring data from a race-conscious, equity-minded lens.

3 | Interrogating Bias in Faculty Hiring and Reframing Conceptions of Merit, Fit, and Compliance

This module will help participants identify the implicit and institutional biases that exist throughout current faculty hiring practices and how traditional conceptions of merit and fit lead to inequitable racial patterns.

4 | Equity-Minded Screening Criteria, Interview Questions, and Rubrics

Participants will look at screening criteria, interview questions, and rubrics with inquiry tools designed to prompt critical reflection of whether these artifacts of hiring practice serve racial equity in its language and conceptions of merit and fit.

5 | Identifying and Disrupting Inequitable Practices and Discourses in Hiring

This module will make explicit common ideological discourses that hinder equitable changes to faculty  hiring practices and strategies to disrupt them.

6 | Addressing Faculty and Staff Retention Through Campus Culture and Action Planning

Participants will identify the impact of policies and practices on racially minoritized faculty and support action planning to address the influence of organizational culture on the experiences and retention of racially minoritized faculty.


The cost of the USC Racial Equity in Faculty Hiring Institute for campus teams for the 2024-2025 year can range from $30,000 – $50,000 for up to 30 participants.

The cost of the USC Racial Equity in Faculty Hiring Institute for individuals for the upcoming cohort can be found here.


The Equity-Minded Job Description Review Guide helps practitioners in higher education revise job descriptions to align with racial equity goals by fostering race-conscious practices, eliminating racial biases, and promoting equitable language and outcomes in hiring and retention.

• Build an understanding of the ways race is made salient and racism can operate in job descriptions
• Support race-conscious inquiry as an institutional practice
• ‘Uproot’ and replace messages perpetuating or enabling racism with language and messaging that is equity-minded and enables responsibility for racial equity


Campus Teams Individuals
Learners: Administrators, staff, and faculty, who  are serving on faculty hiring committees or have decision-making responsibilities concerning the hiring process Administrators, staff, and faculty, who are serving on faculty hiring committees or have decision-making responsibilities concerning the hiring process
# of participants: Up to 30 Up to 50
Typical pace and length: 1 module per week for 6 weeks 1 module per week for 4 weeks
Format: 3-hour synchronous, virtual modules via Zoom meeting 2-hour synchronous, virtual modules via Zoom meeting
Cost: $30,000 – $50,000 depending on number of modules Individual pricing for modules can be found here.
Key Elements:
  • Individual-level and team level skill-building for hiring committee members
  • Deep-dive inquiry into hiring artifacts using campus-specific examples
  • Campus-specific racial equity goal implementation in the hiring process
  • Individual-level skill-building for hiring committee members
  • Deep-dive inquiry into hiring artifacts using broad examples
  • Racial equity goal implementation in the hiring process
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