The USC Race and Equity Center collaborates with institutions across the nation to empower faculty and staff members to strategically develop and achieve equity goals through climate studies, high quality learning experiences, substantive partnerships and workshops built to improve racial literacy on campuses.

The goal for these partnerships are to assess students learning from an equity standpoint and to advance racial equity at their colleges and universities.


ECMC Foundation has awarded our center over $4.7 million for a multiyear initiative that aims to innovate approaches to student success at community colleges and four-year postsecondary institutions across the U.S. Participating colleges benefit from $75,000 grants, free coaching, practically-useful professional learning experiences, campus climate surveys, a resource library, and substantive networking opportunities. Teams and coaches develop strategic, campus-specific efforts to improve the experiences and academic success of undergraduate men of color.

National Assessment of Collegiate Campus Climates (NACCC)

The National Assessment of Collegiate Campus Climates (NACCC) is a quantitative survey administered annually at colleges and universities across the United States. This survey provides data about undergraduate students’ appraisals of institutional commitment to equity and inclusion, the extent to which they interact meaningfully with diverse others, where and what they learn about race and their feelings of readiness for citizenship in a racially diverse democracy, and other important topics.

USC Equity-Minded Teaching Institute

The USC Equity-Minded Teaching Institute is a 6-week program with weekly 3-hour sessions that focuses on embedding racial equity in teaching practices and creating classroom cultures that are genuinely inclusive for Black/African American, Latinx, Native American/Indigenous, and Asian American students.

Faculty and Staff Hiring Institute

The Faculty and Staff Hiring Institute institute is a 5-week program with weekly 3-hour sessions focused on embedding racial equity in the faculty hiring process.

USC Equity Institutes

The USC Equity Institutes is an eight-week professional learning series for 20 leaders and/or faculty members on a single college or university campus. Each Institute has eight virtual modules that are taught synchronously one day each week.

Equity Now!

Equity Now! is a series of four virtual, 2-hour webinars designed for individual skill and capacity building for racial equity in higher education

California Community College Equity Leadership Alliance

The Alliance unites community colleges across the state of California for high-quality professional learning experiences on an array of topics pertaining to racial equity. Administrators, faculty, and staff across member colleges access a digital repository of useful tools and resources, as well as engage with colleagues beyond their individual campuses through a dynamic virtual community of practice.

Racial Equity Leadership Academies

These rigorous, in-person professional learning experiences bring higher education leaders and faculty members to the University of Southern California campus. Across multiple days, expert instructors use evidence-based content, timely case studies, and an expansive array of engagement techniques to help RELA participants become more highly skilled in the practice of racial equity.

The Racial Equity in Mathematics Leadership Institute

The USC Race & Equity Center and Bensimon & Associates are launching The Racial Equity in Mathematics Leadership Institute to involve math faculty in California’s community colleges in a series of learning and leadership opportunities to advance equity-minded reform of mathematics pedagogy. The participants were nominated by their college presidents, based on their demonstrated commitment to the success of Black, Latinx, Native American, Asian, and Pacific Islander students in introductory transfer-level mathematics courses.